Friday, October 19, 2012

Forgetting the “Other Fluids”

It’s a simple, yet costly, mistake for any car owner – forgetting the other fluids that keep your car running. Sure, we all see the sticker on our windshield that reminds us to get the oil changed every 3-5 months or 3,000-5,000 miles. But, what about checking you coolant? How about the ATF (Automatic Transmission Fluid)? What do you think helps your brakes?

Checking ALL Fluids is a must!

Antifreeze is what absorbs the heat from the engine and radiates it out of the car. It’s either happened to us or we see someone on the side of the road, hood up, smoke pouring out. The number one cause of all roadside failures has to do with the coolant. Coolant needs to be replaced because, over time, the additives in the coolant break down and cause corrosion. We recommend flushing the cooling system every two years or at 30,000 miles. You can always ask one of our technicians to check to make sure everything is OK with the system.

Automatic Transmission fluid is a tricky thing. Similar to oil, it cleans and holds contaminates while also lubricating the transmission. It also has to handle high amounts of heat or extreme cold. Most ATF can handle upwards of 600 degrees Fahrenheit. But, some parts of the transmission can go beyond 800 degrees! The trick with ATF is to know what your car needs. Car makers use different types of ATF depending on the type of car and how the transmission is supposed to handle. Look at your owner’s manual, or ask us to take a look

Your brakes, by far, are the most important part of the car. We don’t need to tell you that. Half of all drivers in the US surveyed recently said their brakes failing is something they think about at least once when driving in the car daily. While there is some debate about brake fluid flushes, it is important to consider having it done. If you drive 10,000 miles a year, you will, on average, use your brakes about 75,000 times. Water can accumulate in the fluid which causes heating issues. Too much water means the fluid cannot handle the high temperature brakes cause. Water can also cause vapor issues. If you ever put your foot all the way down to the floor and the brakes are having a hard time taking hold, you have vapor issues with the fluid and need to get it flushed immediately.

We are all very busy. We forget to return phone calls, emails, to pick up groceries, etc. But, when it comes to safety, changing the fluids on your car shouldn’t be forgotten or put off!

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